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Learn From The Experts
iBEVAR introduction to APAC: Breaking the continents barriers
Hear Vikram Puttaswamy talking about the advantages of using iBEVAR technology to treat complex aortic disease.
The benefits of iBEVAR versus FEVAR
Andrew Holden (NZ) shares how iBEVAR has changed the way he manages some of the juxtrarenal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm challenges as well as chronic dissection.
E-nside Video Tutorial
Hear Gioele Simonte and Giacomo Isernia, from the complex structure of vascular surgery of Perugia Center of Excellence presenting this video focused on the E-nside TAAA Multibranch Stent Graft System, off-the-shelf-solution.
The Semibranch: A New Tool for Complex Aortic Pathologies
Said Abisi (London, UK) discusses inner branched endovascular aneurysm repair (iBEVAR) technology, which he describes as a good alternative to fenestrated EVAR (FEVAR) and side branches in many cases.
Case Reports
Type Ia Endoleak Repair with iBEVAR Semi and inner branches
Ozan Yazar & Lee Bouwman (Heerlen, Netherlands)
E-xtra Design MultiBranch Stent Graft System Case In a Box
Watch how the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Unit of the University of Florence (IT) treated a 75 years old patient with pararenal aneurysm with our custom-made E-xtra Design MultiBranch Stent Graft System.
Caution: All products and indications are not available/approved in all markets. The availability of custom-made devices is subject to local regulatory guidelines. E-xtra Design MultiBranch Stent Graft System is a custom-made device for a particularly identified patient manufactured by JOTEC GmbH. All trademarks are owned by Artivion, Inc, or its subsidiaries. JOTEC GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Artivion, Inc. MWENG0024.003 (2024-12)
JOTEC GmbH, Lotzenäcker 23, 72379 Hechingen, Germany
Advancing Aortic Technologies with Purpose™
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